

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Neaped — Neaped, a. (Naut.) Left aground on the height of a spring tide, so that it will not float till the next spring tide; called also {beneaped}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • neaped — adjective Etymology: from past participle of neap (II) : left aground by the high water of a spring tide : stranded, grounded * * * /neept/, adj. Naut. grounded until the next cycle of spring tides. [1695 1705; NEAP1 + ED3] …   Useful english dictionary

  • neaped — /neept/, adj. Naut. grounded until the next cycle of spring tides. [1695 1705; NEAP1 + ED3] * * * …   Universalium

  • be neaped — (of a boat) be kept aground or in harbour by a neap tide. → neap …   English new terms dictionary

  • beneaped — Neaped Neaped, a. (Naut.) Left aground on the height of a spring tide, so that it will not float till the next spring tide; called also {beneaped}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Beneaped — Be*neaped , a. (Naut.) See {Neaped}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • beneaped — bə̇, bē+ adjective Etymology: be + neaped : neaped …   Useful english dictionary

  • ОБМЕЛЕТЬ — (То be neaped) 1. О судне стоя на якоре или швартовах, оказаться на мели при убыли воды. 2. О реке когда вследствие понижения уровня воды плавание судов по ней стало затруднительно. 3. О затоне когда в нем делается мелко от наносных песков со… …   Морской словарь

  • beneaped — adjective Neaped …   Wiktionary

  • neap — [ni:p] noun (also neap tide) a tide just after the first or third quarters of the moon when there is least difference between high and low water. verb (be neaped) (of a boat) be kept aground or in harbour by a neap tide. Origin ME, from OE nēp in …   English new terms dictionary

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