

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Rhinencephalic — Rhi nen*ce*phal ic, a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the rhinencephalon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rhinencephalic — adjective see rhinencephalon …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rhinencephalic — See rhinencephalon. * * * …   Universalium

  • rhinencephalic — Relating to the rhinencephalon …   Medical dictionary

  • rhinencephalic — …   Useful english dictionary

  • rhinencephalon — rhinencephalic /ruy nen seuh fal ik/, rhinencephalous, adj. /ruy nen sef euh lon , leuhn/, n., pl. rhinencephalons, rhinencephala / leuh/. Anat. the part of the cerebrum containing the olfactory structures. [1840 50; RHIN + ENCEPHALON] * * * …   Universalium

  • rhinencephalon — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1846 the chiefly olfactory part of the forebrain • rhinencephalic adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • rhinocephaly, rhinocephalia — Rhinencephaly; a form of cyclopia in which the nose is represented by a fleshy proboscis like protuberance arising above the slitlike orbits, and the rhinencephalic lobes of the telencephalon are poorly developed with some tendency to become… …   Medical dictionary

  • rhinencephalon — /raɪnənˈsɛfəlɒn/ (say ruynuhn sefuhlon) noun (plural rhinencephala /raɪnənˈsɛfələ/ (say ruynuhn sefuhluh)) the olfactory portion of the brain. {rhin + encephalon} –rhinencephalic /raɪnənsəˈfælɪk/ (say ruynuhnsuh falik), adjective …  

  • rhinencephalon — [rī΄nen sef′ə län΄] n. pl. rhinencephala [rhi nen ceph′ələ] [ModL: see RHINO & ENCEPHALON] the part of the brain that receives sensory information from the olfactory nerves rhinencephalic [rī΄nensə fal′ik] adj …   English World dictionary

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