

English syllables. 2014.

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  • fetiparous — [fē tip′ə rəs] adj. [ FETI + PAROUS] designating or of animals whose young are born incompletely developed: said as of marsupials …   English World dictionary

  • fetiparous — /fee tip euhr euhs/, adj. (of a marsupial) bearing young before they are fully developed. Also, foetiparous. [FET(US) + I + PAROUS] * * * …   Universalium

  • fetiparous — adjective bearing offspring born not fully developed …   Wiktionary

  • fetiparous — …   Useful english dictionary

  • foetiparous — adjective see fetiparous * * * /fee tip euhr euhs/, adj. fetiparous …   Useful english dictionary

  • feti- — [fēt′ō, fēt′əfēt′i, fēt′ə] combining form fetus [fetiparous]: also prefix combining form feto [fēt′ō, fēt′ə] * * * feti pref. Variant of feto . * * * …   Universalium

  • foetiparous — /fee tip euhr euhs/, adj. fetiparous. * * * …   Universalium

  • feti- — [fēt′ō, fēt′əfēt′i, fēt′ə] combining form fetus [fetiparous]: also prefix combining form feto [fēt′ō, fēt′ə] …   English World dictionary

  • -parous — comb. form bearing offspring of a specified number or kind (multiparous; viviparous). Etymology: L parus bearing f. parere bring forth * * * pərəs adjective combining form Etymology: Latin parus, from parere to give birth to, beget, produce more… …   Useful english dictionary

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