

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Higgler — Hig gler, n. One who higgles. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Higgler — Un higgler est, en anglais jamaïcain, un vendeur de produits agricoles qui écoule sur les marchés forains de Jamaïque une marchandise qu il a lui même collecté auprès de quelques producteurs. Cette activité d intermédiaire fait vivre de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • higgler — ˈhig(ə)lə(r) noun ( s) : an itinerant peddler : hawker is as a rule sold to higglers T.D.Marsh belonged to a local higgler … a man that used the roads buying poultry for resale F.M.Ford …   Useful english dictionary

  • higgler — noun see higgle …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • higgler — /hig leuhr/, n. a peddler or huckster. [1630 40; HIGGLE + ER1] * * * …   Universalium

  • higgler — noun /ˈhɪɡlə/ a) A person who trades in dairy, poultry, and small game animals. b) A person who haggles or negotiates for lower prices. Syn: wrangler, haggler …   Wiktionary

  • higgler — hig|gler [ hıglər ] noun count CARIBBEAN someone who travels from place to place selling small articles …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • higgler — n. person who haggles; person who argues over price or condition, wrangler; peddler, huckster …   English contemporary dictionary

  • higgler — noun W. Indian a pedlar …   English new terms dictionary

  • higgler — n. 1. Pedler, travelling trader. 2. Chafferer …   New dictionary of synonyms

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