- nazarean
- naz·a·re·an
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
nazarean — |nazə|rēən noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: Late Latin Nazaraeus (from Greek Nazēraios, from Nazareth, Nazeret Nazareth) + English an : nazarene 1 … Useful english dictionary
Apostolic Christian Church — The Apostolic Christian Church is a religious body in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Japan that originates from the Anabaptist movement.HistoryThe origins of the Apostolic Christian Church are found in the dramatic conversion experience… … Wikipedia
Essenes — Part of a series of articles on Jews and Judaism … Wikipedia
Nazarene (sect) — This article is about the 4th Century Jewish Christian group contemporary with the Ebionites. For alternative etymologies for Nazarene and comparable terms in Hebrew, see Nazarene (title). For other uses, see Nazarene (disambiguation). The… … Wikipedia
Victor Schlatter — is a former nuclear scientist, church planter, missionary, and author. He is the author of Where is the Body? and Showdown of the Gods.Victor grew up in Portland, Oregon, was trained at Purdue, and eventually found himself working in a nuclear… … Wikipedia
List of new religious movements — A new religious movement is a religious community or ethical, spiritual, or philosophical group of modern origin, which has a peripheral place within the dominant religious culture. NRMs may be novel in origin or they may be part of a wider… … Wikipedia
Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarene) — Not to be confused with Apostolic Church or Church of the Nazarene. The Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean) is a Christian denomination of the Anabaptist movement. It was formed in the early 1900s as the result of separating from their… … Wikipedia
Fröhlichianer — L Apostolic Christian Church, appelée aussi les Neutäufer ou Fröhlichianer, est un mouvement religieux né vers le milieu du XIXe siècle, fondé en Suisse par Samuel Heinrich Fröhlich. Pour ce mouvement religieux, seule la Bible, véritable parole… … Wikipédia en Français
Мендеяне — (Греч.) Их называют также сабеянами или христианами Св. Иоанна. Последнее есть абсурд, так как, согласно всем свидетельствам и даже их собственному, они не имеют вообще ничего общего с Христианством, к которому они питают отвращение.… … Религиозные термины
Matthew 28:5–6 — Antonio Brilla s The finding of the empty tomb of Christ Matthew 28:5 6 are the fifth and sixth verses of the twenty eighth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. This verse is part of the resurrection narrative. An angel has… … Wikipedia