- aranea
- ara·nea
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Aranea — may refer to: * Aranea Web Framework. * A genus of orb weaver spiders. * Aranea a spider like creature from a Dungeons Dragons fantasy role playing game.An aranea is an intelligent, shapechanging spider with sorcerous powers. In its natural form … Wikipedia
Aranea — n. a genus of common garden spiders. Syn: genus {Aranea}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ARANEA — Hebr. acchabis, inversô nomine ex, sabach, quod implexum esse sonat; unde rete Arabibus sabecha, et Hispanis Xabega. Graece ἀράχνη, ab Hebr. arag, i. e. texere. Earum telae Horoscopa eleganter dicuntur Tertulliano de Pallio, quod similes sint… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aranĕa [1] — Aranĕa (lat.), 1) s. Spinne; 2) Spinnengewebe; 3) (arab. Athacantabat), Scheibe, auf welcher die wichtigsten Kreise u. Sterne der Himmelskugel verzeichnet waren u. die sich mit ihrem Mittelpunkte um das Centrum eines Astrolabiums bewegen ließ, um … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Aranĕa [2] — Aranĕa (Araneōsa tunĭca, Anat.), so v.w. Arachnoidea … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Aranea — noun a genus of orb weaving spiders including common garden spiders and barn spiders • Syn: ↑genus Aranea, ↑Araneus, ↑genus Araneus • Hypernyms: ↑arthropod genus • Member Holonyms: ↑Argiopidae, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
aránea — ► sustantivo femenino ANATOMÍA Membrana transparente que contiene el humor cristalino del ojo. * * * aránea f. Nombre que se ha usado para la membrana transparente que contiene el humor del cristalino … Enciclopedia Universal
Aranea framework — is an Open Source (APL 2.0) Java Hierarchical Model View Controller web framework that provides a common simple approach to building the web application components, reusing custom or general GUI logic and extending the framework. The framework… … Wikipedia
Aranea framework — Тип Веб фреймворк Разработчик Aranea Написана на Java Операционная система Кроссплатформенное ПО Языки интерфейса Java Последняя версия 1.0M1 ( … Википедия
Aranea cellaria — Ségestrie florentine Ségestrie florentine … Wikipédia en Français
Aranea florentina — Ségestrie florentine Ségestrie florentine … Wikipédia en Français