- neocolonialism
- neo·colonialism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
neocolonialism — NEOCOLONIALÍSM s.n. Formă nouă a colonialismului care urmăreşte să domine din punct de vedere economic fostele colonii, declarate state independente. [pr.: ne o co lo ni a ] – Din fr. néo colonialisme. Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.06.2004. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
neocolonialism — eocolonialism n. Control by a powerful country of its former colonies (or other less developed countries) by economic pressures. In contrast to {colonialism}, in which one country controls another territory by military force. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
neocolonialism — (n.) also neo colonialism, 1955, from NEO (Cf. neo ) + COLONIALISM (Cf. colonialism) … Etymology dictionary
neocolonialism — [nē΄ōkə lō′nē əl iz΄əm] n. the survival or revival of colonialist exploitation by a foreign power of a region that has ostensibly achieved independence neocolonial adj. neocolonialist n., adj … English World dictionary
Neocolonialism — This article is about Neocolonialist political and economic critiques. For Neocolonial architecture, see Colonial Revival architecture. For expanded applications of economic analysis, see Economic imperialism (economics). World empires and… … Wikipedia
neocolonialism — noun Date: 1961 the economic and political policies by which a great power indirectly maintains or extends its influence over other areas or people • neocolonial adjective • neocolonialist noun or adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
neocolonialism — neocolonial, adj., n. neocolonialist, n., adj. /nee oh keuh loh nee euh liz euhm/, n. the policy of a strong nation in seeking political and economic hegemony over an independent nation or extended geographical area without necessarily reducing… … Universalium
neocolonialism — noun The control or domination by a powerful country over weaker ones (especially former colonies) by the use of economic pressure, political suppression and cultural dominance … Wiktionary
neocolonialísm — s. n. (sil. ne o , ni a ) … Romanian orthography
neocolonialism — ne|o|co|lo|ni|al|is|m [ˌni:əukəˈləuniəlızəm US ˌni:oukəˈlou ] n [U] when a powerful country uses its economic and political influence to control another country >neocolonialist adj … Dictionary of contemporary English
neocolonialism — ne|o|co|lo|ni|al|ism [ ,nioukə louniə,lızəm ] noun uncount a policy in which a powerful country uses political and economic power over a poorer country for its own benefit … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English