- neph
- neph·ro·sclerosis;neph·ro·stome;neph·ro·tome;neph·ro·toxic;neph·thy·tis;opis·tho·neph·ros;para·neph·ros;peri·neph·ri·um;poly·neph·ric;pro·neph·ric;pro·neph·ros;lim·neph·i·lid;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
-neph — neph·ron; … English syllables
neph|ew — «NEHF yoo», noun. 1. a son of one s brother or sister. 2. a son of one s brother in law or sister in law. 3. an illegitimate son of an ecclesiastic (used as a euphemism). 4. Obsolete. a grandson. 5. Obsolete. a descendant, especially a remote… … Useful english dictionary
Neph|ta|li — «NEHF tuh ly», noun. Naphtali, in the Douay Bible … Useful english dictionary
neph|a|lism — «NEHF uh lihz uhm», noun. total abstinence from intoxicating drink … Useful english dictionary
neph|a|list — «NEHF uh lihst», noun. a person who practices or advocates nephalism; teetotaler. ╂[< Late Greek nēphalismós total abstinence (< nēphálios sober) + English ist] … Useful english dictionary
neph|a|nal|y|sis — «NEHF uh NAL uh sihs», noun, plural ses « seez». 1. analysis of the cloud formations over a large area, using weather charts drawn especially from photographs taken by weather satellites. 2. a chart of such cloud formations. ╂[< Greek néphos… … Useful english dictionary
neph|e|line — «NEHF uh lihn», noun. = nephelite. (Cf. ↑nephelite) ╂[< French néphéline < Greek nephélē cloud (< néphos) + French ine ine2 (because it appears cloudy when fragments are put in nitric acid)] … Useful english dictionary
neph|e|lin|ic — «NEHF uh LIHN ihk», adjective. = nephelitic. (Cf. ↑nephelitic) … Useful english dictionary
neph|e|lin|ite — «NEHF uh luh nyt», noun. a heavy, dark colored, volcanic rock, essentially a basalt containing nephelite and pyroxene but no feldspar and little or no olivine. ╂[< nephelin(e) + ite1] … Useful english dictionary
neph|e|lite — «NEHF uh lyt», noun. a mineral, a silicate of aluminum, sodium, and sometimes potassium, occurring in various volcanic rocks: »Nephelite generally forms grains and shapeless lumps or masses resembling quartz (Fenton and Fenton). ╂[<… … Useful english dictionary