- nerine
- ne·ri·ne
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Nerīne — Herb., Gattung der Amaryllidazeen, Zwiebelgewächse mit schmalen Blättern und ansehnlichen Blüten, deren Blütenhüllenabschnitte schmal, am Rande meist wellig und zurückgebogen sind. Von den neun am Kap heimischen Arten werden mehrere als… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Neríne — NERÍNE, es, ist so viel als eine Nereis. Sieh Nereides … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
nérine — ● nérine nom féminin Amaryllidacée bulbeuse à feuilles planes assez longues, à fleurs en ombelles, de l Afrique du Sud … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nerine — Nerine … Wikipedia Español
Nerine — This article is about the plant genus. For the anime character, see Nerine (Shuffle!). Nerine Nerine bowdenii Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Nerine — Guernseylilien Nerine bowdenii Systematik Klasse: Einkeimblättrige (Liliopsida) Unterklasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
nerine — /neuh ruy nee/, n. any of several bulbous plants belonging to the genus Nerine, of the amaryllis family, native to southern Africa, having funnel shaped red, pink, or white flowers. [ < NL (1820); L Nerine a Nereid] * * * … Universalium
Nerine — ID 56166 Symbol Key NERIN Common Name nerine Family Liliaceae Category Monocot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity N/A US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution N/A Growth Habit N/A … USDA Plant Characteristics
nerine — /nəˈrin/ (say nuh reen) noun any plant of the southern African genus Nerine, many species of which are grown for their umbels of coloured flowers produced in autumn. {New Latin, from Latin Nērinē a Nereid} …
nerine — noun Any of various plants, of the genus Nerine, that are poisonous to cattle … Wiktionary
nerine — [nɪ rʌɪni, nə ri:nə] noun a bulbous South African plant with narrow strap shaped petals that are typically crimped and twisted. [Genus Nerine.] Origin mod. L., from L., Nereid … English new terms dictionary