

English syllables. 2014.

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  • neuroglandular — neu·ro·glan·du·lar .n(y)u̇r ō glan jə lər adj of, relating to, or composed of nervous and glandular tissue <the pituitary gland is neuroglandular> <neuroglandular responses> …   Medical dictionary

  • neuroglandular — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at neuro + adjective Etymology: neur + glandular 1. : of or relating to a gland with its nerves and their nerve centers 2. : having the properties of both nervous and glandular tissue the pituitary body is neuroglandular …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Insect physiology — includes the physiology and biochemistry of insect organ systems. Although diverse, insects are quite similar in overall design, internally and externally. The insect is made up of three main body regions (tagmata), the head, thorax and abdomen.… …   Wikipedia

  • nerve ending — n the structure in which the distal end of the axon of a nerve fiber terminates called also nerve end * * * the final part (terminal) of one of the branches of a nerve fibre, where a neurone makes contact either with another neurone at a synapse… …   Medical dictionary

  • nerve ending — the final part (terminal) of one of the branches of a nerve fibre, where a neurone makes contact either with another neurone at a synapse or with a muscle or gland cell at a neuromuscular or neuroglandular junction …   The new mediacal dictionary

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