NISM — Need I Say More … Glossary of chat acronyms & text shorthand
an|ti-Com|mu|nism — an|ti|com|mu|nism or an|ti Com|mu|nism «AN tee KOM yuh nihz uhm», noun. opposition to the principles of communism and to the institutions and practices based on them. –an´ti|com´mu|nist, an´ti Com´mu|nist, noun, adjective … Useful english dictionary
an|ti|com|mu|nism — or an|ti Com|mu|nism «AN tee KOM yuh nihz uhm», noun. opposition to the principles of communism and to the institutions and practices based on them. –an´ti|com´mu|nist, an´ti Com´mu|nist, noun, adjective … Useful english dictionary
Com|mu|nism — «KOM yuh nihz uhm», noun. 1. a system in which most or all property is owned by the state and is supposed to be shared by all. Communism comes from a philosophy based on the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 1800 s and seeks the… … Useful english dictionary
com|mu|nism — «KOM yuh nihz uhm», noun. 1. a system in which most or all property is owned by the state and is supposed to be shared by all. Communism comes from a philosophy based on the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 1800 s and seeks the… … Useful english dictionary
Il|lu|mi|nism — or Il|lu|mi|nism «ih LOO muh nihz uhm», noun. 1. the doctrine or principles of illuminati. 2. a doctrine advocating enlightenment … Useful english dictionary
il|lu|mi|nism — or Il|lu|mi|nism «ih LOO muh nihz uhm», noun. 1. the doctrine or principles of illuminati. 2. a doctrine advocating enlightenment … Useful english dictionary
ne|o-Com|mu|nism — or ne|o Com|mu|nism «NEE o KOM yeh nihz uhm», noun. a form of communism that advocates less centralized government and accepts the political role of opposition parties, developed in response to the economic and political failure of traditional… … Useful english dictionary
ne|o-com|mu|nism — or ne|o Com|mu|nism «NEE o KOM yeh nihz uhm», noun. a form of communism that advocates less centralized government and accepts the political role of opposition parties, developed in response to the economic and political failure of traditional… … Useful english dictionary
Ne|o-Pla|to|nism — Ne|o|pla|to|nism or Ne|o Pla|to|nism «NEE oh PLAY tuh nihz uhm», noun. 1. a philosophical and religious system composed chiefly of elements of Platonism, Oriental mysticism, and, in its later phases, Christianity, represented especially in the… … Useful english dictionary