- archicerebrum
- ar·chi·cerebrum
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
archicerebrum — n.; pl. bra [Gr. arche, beginning; L. cerebrum, brain] 1. (ANNELIDA) The ganglionic nerve mass of a prostomium. 2. (ARTHROPODA) The primitive suprastomodeal nerve mass of a prostomium; the primitive brain … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
archicerebrum — |ärkē+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from archi + cerebrum : the supra esophageal ganglia of invertebrates … Useful english dictionary
archencephalon — see archicerebrum … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
brain — n. [A.S. braegen, brain] 1. The nervous center of invertebrates. 2. (ARTHROPODA) The cephalic nerve mass; the encephalon, the supraesophageal ganglion; the archicerebrum. 3. (NEMATA) The nerve ring and associated ganglia … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
protocerebrum — n.; pl. bra [Gr. protos, first; L. cerebrum, brain] (ARTHROPODA) The anterior, (in hypognathous insects dorsal), most complex part of an arthropod brain consisting of three pair of optic centers and other neuropiles functioning in intergrating… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology