

English syllables. 2014.

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  • normannic — (ˈ)nȯ(r)|manik adjective Usage: usually capitalized : relating to or characteristic of the Normans …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of Foundation universe planets — This is a list of Foundation universe planets featured or mentioned in the Robot series, Empire series, and Foundation series created by Isaac Asimov. Contents 1 61 Cygni 2 Alpha …   Wikipedia

  • Siwenna — is a planet prominent in Foundation and Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov. It was capital of the Normannic Sector of the Galactic Empire, and once one of its richest planets. Shortly after 100 F.E., Wiscard, the viceroy of Siwenna, rebelled.… …   Wikipedia

  • List of minor Foundation universe planets — This is a list of minor planets in Isaac Asimov s Foundation, Robot, and Empire series. Most are mentioned only by name.: See also: List of Foundation universe planets61 CygniThe star system 61 Cygni, in the Sirius Sector, is advanced by Lord… …   Wikipedia

  • Korell — is a planet in the novel Foundation by Isaac Asimov. Located after the Whassalian Rift (relative to Terminus), the planet is the capital of the Republic of Korell, a union of worlds. Although a republic in the sense that its head of state is not… …   Wikipedia

  • AUXILIUM pro primogenita filia semel maritanda — alterum e tribus Auxiliis, a Lege et Consuetudine introductis, iam inde a Guiscardi temporibus, i. e. circa A. C. 1080 obtinuit: qui Mathilde secundogenitâ Raimundo Berengarii Comiti Barcinonensi nuptum datâ, Auxilium a Vaslallis suis exegisle… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • PARTHICAE Pelles — magno olim in pretio. Matthaeus Silvaticus: Fenutio, i. e. pellis Parthica. Ex φοινικιαῖον, nam pelles hae purpureae fuêre, e quibus calcei fiebant Imperatorum, Zanchae dicti. Treb. Pollio in Claudio, c. 17. Zanchas de nostris Parthicis paria… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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