- notogaeal
- no·to·gae·al
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
notogaeal — adjective see notogaean … Useful english dictionary
Notogaea — Notogaean, n., adj. Notogaeal, Notogaeic, adj. /noh teuh jee euh/, n. a biogeographical division comprising the Australian region. Also, Notogea. [ < NL < Gk nóto(s) the south + gaîa earth, land] * * * … Universalium
Notogaea — Notogaean, n., adj. Notogaeal, Notogaeic, adj. /noh teuh jee euh/, n. a biogeographical division comprising the Australian region. Also, Notogea. [ < NL < Gk nóto(s) the south + gaîa earth, land] … Useful english dictionary