- novatian
- no·va·tian
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Novatian — (circa 200–58) was a scholar, priest, theologian and antipope who held the title between 251 and 258.[1] According to Greek authors, pope Damasus I and Prudentius gave his name as Novatus. He was a noted theologian and writer, the first Roman… … Wikipedia
Novatian — Novatian, auch Novatianus, (* um 200; † um 258) war Theologe und 251 bis 258 römischer Gegenbischof. Nachdem Bischof Fabianus im Januar 250 gestorben war, berief man Novatian zunächst zum Sprecher der Gemeinde. Alles deutete darauf hin, dass er… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Novatian — Novatian, römischer Presbyter, theologischer Schriftsteller des 3. Jahrhunderts, ✝ als Märtyrer unter Kaiser Valerian (?); sein die abendländischen Positionen zur Christologie und Trinitätslehre zusammenfassendes Hauptwerk »De trinitate« hat… … Universal-Lexikon
novaţian — novaţián s. m., adj. m., pl. novaţiéni; f. sg. novaţiánă, pl. novaţiéne Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic NOVAŢIÁN, Ă adj., s. m … Dicționar Român
Novatian — No*va tian, n. (Eccl. Hist.) One of the sect of Novatius, or Novatianus, who held that the lapsed might not be received again into communion with the church, and that second marriages are unlawful. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Novatian — ▪ antipope Latin Novatianus born c. 200, , Rome [Italy] died c. 258 the second antipope in papal history, in 251. He was the first Roman theologian to write in Latin and inspired the Novatian Schism a break from the Christian church by… … Universalium
Novatian — (d. 257/8) Antipope, Sect Founder and Martyr. Little is known of the life of Novatian. He was a Roman presbyter who was elected Bishop of Rome in opposition to Pope Cornelius in 251. He was the author of an important work on the doctrine of … Who’s Who in Christianity
Novatian — 1. noun A Roman priest, who became an antipope against St. Cornelius in 251 AD, and schismatic heresiarch as founder of a Christian sect known as Novatianism 2. adjective relating to the heresiarch Novatian (see above) and/or his schismatic sect … Wiktionary
Novatian and Novatianism — Novatian and Novatianism † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Novatian and Novatianism Novatian was a schismatic of the third century, and founder of the sect of the Novatians; he was a Roman priest, and made himself antipope. His name is given… … Catholic encyclopedia
Novatian (Gegenpapst) — Novatian (* um 200; † um 258) war Theologe und 251 bis 258 römischer Gegenbischof. Nachdem Bischof Fabianus im Januar 250 gestorben war, berief man Novatian zunächst zum Sprecher der Gemeinde. Alles deutete darauf hin, dass er der nächste Bischof … Deutsch Wikipedia
NOVATIAN — a priest of the Church in Rome, a convert from paganism, who in the third century took a severe view of the conduct of those who had lapsed under persecution, particularly the Decian, and insisted that the Church, having no power to absolve… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia