- oblongated
- ob·long·at·ed
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
oblongated — (ˈ)ä|blȯŋˌgād.ə̇d also läŋ adjective Etymology: New Latin oblongatus (past participle of oblongare to prolong, elongate) + English ed : prolonged, elongated … Useful english dictionary
elliptic — Synonyms and related words: Spartan, abbreviated, abridged, abstracted, aposiopestic, bell like, bell shaped, bobbed, brief, brusque, campaniform, campanular, campanulate, capsule, capsulized, clipped, close, compact, compendious, compressed,… … Moby Thesaurus
elliptical — Synonyms and related words: Spartan, abbreviated, abridged, abstracted, aposiopestic, bell like, bell shaped, bobbed, brief, brusque, campaniform, campanular, campanulate, capsule, capsulized, clipped, close, compact, compendious, compressed,… … Moby Thesaurus
elongated — Synonyms and related words: dragged out, drawn, drawn out, drawn out, elliptical, elongate, extended, lengthened, lengthy, oblong, oblongated, oblongitudinal, prolongated, prolonged, protracted, pulled, rectangular, spun out, straggling, strained … Moby Thesaurus
oblong — Synonyms and related words: cube shaped, cubed, cubic, cubiform, cuboid, diced, elliptical, elongated, foursquare, oblongated, oblongitudinal, orthogonal, quadrangular, quadrate, quadriform, quadrilateral, rectangular, rhombic, rhomboid, square,… … Moby Thesaurus
rectangular — Synonyms and related words: cube shaped, cubed, cubic, cubiform, cuboid, diced, elliptical, elongated, foursquare, normal, oblong, oblongated, oblongitudinal, orthodiagonal, orthogonal, orthometric, perpendicular, quadrangular, quadrate,… … Moby Thesaurus