

English syllables. 2014.

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  • offsider — UK [ˌɒfˈsaɪdə(r)] / US [ˈɔfˌsaɪdər] noun [countable] Word forms offsider : singular offsider plural offsiders Australian informal a friend, a partner, or someone who helps you …   English dictionary

  • offsider — /ɒfˈsaɪdə / (say of suyduh) noun 1. a partner; friend; assistant: the cook s offsider. 2. a bullock yoked on the right hand side of a team. 3. (formerly) a bullocky s assistant, who attended to the bullocks on the offside of a team …  

  • offsider — /awf suy deuhr, of /, n. Australian. 1. an assistant or helper. 2. a follower or supporter of a person or cause. [1875 80; OFFSIDE + ER1] * * * …   Universalium

  • offsider — noun A partner, assistant, or deputy …   Wiktionary

  • Offsider — an assistant, helper, partner …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • offsider — Australian Slang an assistant, helper, partner …   English dialects glossary

  • offsider — off|sid|er [ ɔf,saıdər ] noun count AUSTRALIAN INFORMAL a friend, a partner, or someone who helps you …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • offsider — n. Austral. colloq. a partner, assistant, or deputy …   Useful english dictionary

  • Prisoner characters - inmates — A list of all inmates of Wentworth Detention Centre in the television series Prisoner . Listed in order of appearance:* Bea Queen Bea Smith (Val Lehman episodes 1 400), the tough and uncompromising top dog the name given to the unofficial leader… …   Wikipedia

  • Prisoner characters — A list of all inmates of Wentworth Detention Centre in the television series Prisoner. Note that episode numbers cited are for first and last appearances; many characters had spells where they were absent and subsequently returned. Listed in… …   Wikipedia

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