- operatable
- op·er·at·able
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
operatable — ˈäpəˌrād.əbəl, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective : possible to operate or to operate on : operable … Useful english dictionary
operate — operatable, adj. /op euh rayt /, v., operated, operating. v.i. 1. to work, perform, or function, as a machine does: This engine does not operate properly. 2. to work or use a machine, apparatus, or the like. 3. to act effectively; produce an… … Universalium
PARCC — The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) creates a standard set of K 12 assessments in math and English.[1] Within PARCC, a group of states (see list below) bases the content of these assessments on what it… … Wikipedia
Luz de circulación diurna — La luz de circulación diurna (también conocida por sus siglas en inglés DRL, luz diurna o luz de día) es un componente de la iluminación automotriz que se encarga de aumentar la visibilidad del vehículo que la equipa durante su funcionamiento… … Wikipedia Español
manageable — Synonyms and related words: actable, adaptable, amenable, budget, cheap, compassable, compliant, controllable, convenient, corrigible, doable, docile, domesticable, domitable, ductile, easy, economic, economy, feasible, flexible, foolproof,… … Moby Thesaurus
maneuverable — Synonyms and related words: actable, adaptable, compassable, convenient, doable, ductile, feasible, flexible, foolproof, handy, malleable, manageable, manipulatable, negotiable, operable, operatable, performable, pliable, pliant, practicable,… … Moby Thesaurus
negotiable — Synonyms and related words: achievable, actable, alienable, assignable, attainable, bequeathable, compassable, consignable, convertible, conveyable, devisable, doable, feasible, heritable, inheritable, liquid, manageable, maneuverable,… … Moby Thesaurus
operable — Synonyms and related words: achievable, actable, appliable, applicable, attainable, banausic, compassable, compliant, doable, effective, effectual, efficient, exploitable, feasible, fit, functional, in working order, manageable, maneuverable,… … Moby Thesaurus
performable — Synonyms and related words: achievable, actable, attainable, compassable, doable, feasible, manageable, maneuverable, manipulatable, negotiable, operable, operatable, overcomable, practicable, practical, realizable, superable, surmountable,… … Moby Thesaurus
practicable — Synonyms and related words: accessible, accomplishable, achievable, actable, attainable, banausic, compassable, doable, effective, effectual, efficient, employable, feasible, functional, handy, manageable, maneuverable, manipulatable, negotiable … Moby Thesaurus