- ophthalmometry
- oph·thal·mom·e·try
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ophthalmometry — oph·thal·mom·e·try mäm ə trē n, pl tries the measuring of the corneal curvatures of the eye and of their deviations from normal (as in astigmatism) usu. by means of an ophthalmometer * * * oph·thal·mom·e·try (of″thəl momґə tre)… … Medical dictionary
ophthalmometry — n. examination for astigmatism using a ophthalmometer (Ophthalmology) … English contemporary dictionary
ophthalmometry — ˌ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ˈmämə.trē, thəl noun ( es) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary ophthalm + metry : the measuring of the corneal curvatures of the eye and of their deviations from normal (as in astigmatism) usually by means of an… … Useful english dictionary
August Leopold von Reuss — (November 5, 1841 September 4, 1924) was an Austrian ophthalmologist who was a native of Bilin, Bohemia. He studied at Karl Ferdinand University in Prague, and at the University of Vienna, where he obtained his degree in 1865. At Vienna he was a… … Wikipedia
ophthalmometer — ophthalmometric /of thal meuh me trik, op /, ophthalmometrical, adj. ophthalmometry, n. /of theuhl mom i teuhr, theuh , thal , op /, n. an instrument for measuring the reflection of an image on the surface of the cornea and other capacities of… … Universalium
keratometry — Measurement of the radii of corneal curvature. * * * ker·a·tom·e·try .ker ə täm ə trē n, pl tries measurement of the form and curvature of the cornea ker·a·to·me·tric .ker ət ə me trik adj * * * ker·a·tom·e·try (ker& … Medical dictionary
oftalmometría — Eng. Ophthalmometry 1. Medida de la agudeza visual. 2. Medida de la refracción ocular. 3. Ver Queratometría … Diccionario de oftalmología