- organotrophic
- or·gano·trophic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Organotrophic — Or ga*no*troph ic, a. [Organo + Gr. ? to nourish.] (Biol.) Relating to the creation, organization, and nutrition of living organs or parts. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
organotrophic — 1. Pertaining to the nourishment of an organ. 2. Pertaining to a microorganism that uses organic sources as a reducing power. [organo + G. trophe, nourishment] * * * or·gan·o·tro·phic trō fik, träf ik adj obtaining energy by the oxidation of… … Medical dictionary
organotrophic — adj.; see heterotrophic … The new mediacal dictionary
organotrophic — “+|träfik, rōf adjective Etymology: organ + trophic : relating to the formation and nutrition of living organs … Useful english dictionary
Органотрофный (Organotrophic) — см. Гетеротрофный. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
chemo-organotrophic — che·mo or·ga·no·tro·phic (ke″mo or″gə no troґfik) heterotrophic; requiring preformed organic compounds as a source of carbon and oxidizing organic compounds as a source of energy; said of bacteria … Medical dictionary
ГЕТЕРОТРОФНЫЙ (HETEROTROPHIC), ОРГАНОТРОФНЫЙ — (organotrophic) термин используется для описания организмов, называемых гетеротрофами, которые для синтеза собственных органических веществ используют органические соединения. Большинство гетеротрофов являются хемогетеротрофными… … Толковый словарь по медицине
heterotrophic — organotrophic; adj. describing organisms (known as heterotrophs) that use complex organic compounds to synthesize their own organic materials. Most heterotrophs are chemoheterotrophic, i.e. they use the organic compounds as an energy source. This … The new mediacal dictionary
Primary nutritional groups — An organism may be placed into one each of the three pairs of major nutritional groups based on their carbon, energy, and electron sources.*Carbon source refers to the source of carbon used by an organism for growth and development. An organism… … Wikipedia
heterotrophic — 1. Relating to or exhibiting the properties of heterotrophy. 2. Relating to a heterotroph. * * * het·ero·tro·phic .het ə rə trō fik adj requiring complex organic compounds of nitrogen and carbon (as that obtained from plant or animal matter) for… … Medical dictionary