- oribatoidea
- ori·ba·toi·dea
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
oribatoidea — ˌōrəbəˈtȯidēə noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Oribata (perhaps from Greek oreibatēs mountain ranging, from oros mountain + batēs, from bainein to go) + oidea more at orient, come : a superfamily of small oval eyeless… … Useful english dictionary
oribatid — noun Etymology: New Latin Oribatidae (coextensive with Oribatoidea), from Oribata, genus name, from Greek oribatēs walking the mountains, from oros mountain + batēs, from bainein to go more at orient, come Date: 1875 any of a superfamily… … New Collegiate Dictionary
oribatid — noun Any of a group of mites of the superfamily Oribatoidea … Wiktionary
oribatid — orib·a·tid ȯ rib ət əd, .ȯr ə bat əd n any of a superfamily (Oribatoidea) of small oval eyeless nonparastic mites having a heavily sclerotized integument with a leathery appearance oribatid adj … Medical dictionary
beetle mite — noun Etymology: so called from their hard, shining bodies : any of numerous free living mites (superfamily Oribatoidea) that are abundant and widespread in soil and that include several important intermediate hosts of tapeworms of domestic… … Useful english dictionary
oribatidae — ˌōrəˈbad.əˌdē noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Oribata, type genus + idae in some classifications : a family of mites coextensive with the superfamily Oribatoidea … Useful english dictionary
scheloribates — ˌskeləˈribəˌtēz noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from schel (probably from Greek schelides ribs of beef) + Oribates (synonym of Oribata, type genus of the mite family Oribatidae); akin to Greek skelos leg more at cylinder,… … Useful english dictionary