- orienteering
- ori·en·teer·ing
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
orienteering — in reference to a competitive sport, 1948, from ORIENT (Cf. orient) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
orienteering — ► NOUN ▪ a competitive sport in which runners have to find their way across rough country with the aid of a map and compass. DERIVATIVES orienteer noun & verb … English terms dictionary
orienteering — [ôr΄ē en tir′iŋ, ōr΄ē en tir′iŋ] n. [< Swed orientering, lit., orientation] a timed cross country competition in which runners follow a course, using compass and map … English World dictionary
Orienteering — This article is about the sport of orienteering. For the way it is practiced in Scouting and the armed forces, see Orienteering (Scouting) The international orienteering symbol Orienteering is a family of sports that requires navigational skills… … Wikipedia
orienteering — /awr ee en tear ing, ohr /, n. a competitive sport, originating in Sweden, that tests the skills of map reading and cross country running, in which competitors race through an unknown area to find various checkpoints by using only a compass and… … Universalium
Orienteering — Orientierungsläufer beim Stempeln eines Postens Der Orientierungslauf (kurz OL) ist eine Laufsportart, die aus zwei Komponenten besteht: dem Orientieren und dem Laufen. Beim Orientierungslauf werden mit Hilfe von Karte und Kompass bestimmte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
orienteering — [[t]ɔ͟ːrientɪ͟ərɪŋ[/t]] N UNCOUNT Orienteering is a sport in which people run from one place to another, using a compass and a map to guide them between points that are marked along the route … English dictionary
orienteering — n. type of wilderness race in which contestants must run through an unfamiliar territory and find checkpoints using only a map and compassor·i·en·teer·ing || ‚ɔrɪen tɪrɪŋ /‚ɔËrɪen tɪərɪŋn. cross country racer who runs through… … English contemporary dictionary
orienteering — orientavimasis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sudedamoji orientavimosi sporto dalis – savo buvimo vietos pasaulio šalių ir aplinkos atžvilgiu nustatymas: vietovės atpažinimas pagal žinomus požymius ir orientyrus, savo ir… … Sporto terminų žodynas
orienteering — orientavimasis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Tikslingas savo veiklos arba elgesio kreipimas tam tikra linkme, perdirbus gautą informaciją. kilmė plg. orientacija atitikmenys: angl. orienteering vok. Orientierung, f rus.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Orienteering map — An orienteering map is a map specially prepared for use in orienteering competitions. It is a topographic map with extra details to help the competitor navigate through the competition area. These maps are much more detailed than general purpose… … Wikipedia