

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Orihon — (OR ee hon, 折本) is a book consisting of a long strip of paper that is written on one side and then compacted by folding in zig zag fashion. The orihon format is considered a step between a scroll and a codex.[1] The style of folding is similar to …   Wikipedia

  • orihon — /awr ee hon , ohr /, n. 1. a manuscript scroll having columns running across the width, folded in accordion fashion along the separating margins. 2. a book consisting of leaves, printed on one side only, uncut at the fore edge. [1905 10; < Japn,… …   Universalium

  • orihon — ˈȯrēˌhän noun ( s) Etymology: Japanese, probably from ori fold + hon book, volume : a strip of paper, papyrus, or vellum that is accordion folded so as to divide the writing or printing which appears on one side into pages or columns and that… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Japanese books — The book in Japan has had a long history, beginning in the late eighth century A.D. The majority of books were hand copied until the Edo period (1603 1867), when woodblock printing became comparatively affordable and widespread. Movable type… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossaire de l'ukiyo-e — Ce glossaire de l’ukiyo e a pour but de faciliter le recherche des mots japonais utilisés pour définir l art de l’ukiyo e, ou décrire les estampes japonaises ukiyo e en renvoyant vers d autres articles. Sommaire 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 …   Wikipédia en Français

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