- overornate
- over·ornate
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
overornate — |ōvə(r)+ adjective : unduly or excessively ornate … Useful english dictionary
Sala São Paulo — The Julio Prestes Cultural Center, which is in the old Julio Prestes Station, was inaugurated on July 9, 1999. The building has been totally restored and renovated by the State Government as part of the revitalization project for the city center … Wikipedia
overwrought — adjective 1) she was too overwrought to listen Syn: tense, agitated, nervous, on edge, edgy, keyed up, worked up, high strung, neurotic, overexcited, beside oneself, distracted, distraught, frantic, hysterical; informal in a state, in a tizzy … Thesaurus of popular words