

English syllables. 2014.

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  • palagonitic — adjective see palagonite …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mars surface color — Rock strewn surface imaged by Mars Pathfinder The apparent color of the Martian surface enabled humans to distinguish it from other planets early in human history and motivated them to weave fables of war in association with Mars. One of its… …   Wikipedia

  • Tachylite — (also spelled tachylyte) is a vitreous form of basaltic volcanic glass. This glass is formed naturally by the rapid cooling of molten basalt. It is a basic type of igneous rock that is decomposable by acids and readily fusible. The color is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Palagonite — is an alteration product from the interaction of water with volcanic glass of chemical composition similar to basalt. Palagonite can also result from the interaction between water and basalt melt. The water flashes to steam on contact with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Evolution of water on Mars and Earth — The evolution of H2O on either planet needs be understood in the context of the other terrestrial planetary bodies and their current H2O inventories.H2O Inventory of MarsA significant amount of surficial H has been observed globally by the Mars… …   Wikipedia

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