

English syllables. 2014.

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  • palintrope — n. [Gr. palin, back; tropos, turn] (BRACHIOPODA) The recurved part of the ventral valve that fills the gap between the beak and hinge line in the dorsal valve of some shells …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • palintrope — ˈpalə̇n.ˌtrōp noun ( s) Etymology: Greek palintropos turning back, from palin again + tropos trope, adjective suffix : the recurved posterior section of either valve of some brachiopod shells …   Useful english dictionary

  • lamp shells — ▪ animal Introduction also called  brachiopod,         any member of the phylum Brachiopoda, a group of bottom dwelling marine invertebrates. They are covered by two valves, or shells; one valve covers the dorsal, or top, side; the other covers… …   Universalium

  • hinge teeth — 1. (BRACHIOPODA) The tooth part of the articulating device on the ventral valve in the form of small projections along the free edge of the palintrope. 2. (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) A series of shelly structures near the dorsal margin and fitting into… …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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