- panorpatae
- pan·or·pa·tae
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
panorpatae — ˌpaˌnȯ(r)ˈpāˌtē Etymology: New Latin, from Panorpa + atae, feminine plural of Latin atus ate synonym of mecoptera … Useful english dictionary
Timeline of entomology - 1800–1850 — 19th century= 1800 – an arbitrary date but it was around this time that systematists began to specialise. There remained entomological polyhistors – those who continued to work on the insect fauna as a whole.From the beginning of the century,… … Wikipedia
Rüsseljungfern — (Panorpatae, Panorpina), Familie der Netzflügler; Füße gliederig, Vorderkopf geht in einen Rüssel aus, zur Aufnahme der Freßwerkzeuge, Kinnbacken, Kinnlade u. Lippe linienförmig, Kopf liegt quer, die Augen stehen vor, Fühler borstenförmig, Flügel … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon