- pantotheria
- pan·to·the·ria
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Pantotheria — [zu griechisch thēríon »Tier«], ausgestorbene Gruppe der Säugetiere, vom mittleren Jura bis zur Unterkreide Europas, Nordamerikas und Afrikas; maus bis rattengroße Raubtiere und Insektenfresser, meist nur durch einzelne Zähne (dreihöckrige… … Universal-Lexikon
Pantotheria — Als Eupantotheria (früher Pantotheria) wird eine Gruppe mesozoischer Säugetiere zusammengefasst. Kennzeichnend für diese Gruppe sind bestimmte Merkmale im Bau der Zähne, etwas das Fehlen des Protoconids (eines Höckers der oberen Molaren). Da sich … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pantotheria — noun generalized extinct mammals widespread during the Jurassic; commonly conceded to be ancestral to marsupial and placental mammals • Syn: ↑subclass Pantotheria • Hypernyms: ↑class • Member Holonyms: ↑Mammalia, ↑class Mammalia … Useful english dictionary
subclass Pantotheria — noun generalized extinct mammals widespread during the Jurassic; commonly conceded to be ancestral to marsupial and placental mammals • Syn: ↑Pantotheria • Hypernyms: ↑class • Member Holonyms: ↑Mammalia, ↑class Mammalia … Useful english dictionary
Пантотерии — (Pantotheria) отряд ископаемых млекопитающих. Остатки (фрагменты челюстей и зубы) известны из отложений верхнего триаса мела. П. мелкие животные (с мышь или крысу). Резцов и коренных зубов больше, чем у предков; коренные сходны с таковыми … Большая советская энциклопедия
Anexo:Mamíferos prehistóricos — La siguiente es una lista incompleta de mamíferos prehistóricos. No incluye los mámiferos existentes, ni los mamíferos extintos recientemente. Para las especies de primate extintas ver: lista de primates fósiles. Contenido 1 Mamaliformes 1.1… … Wikipedia Español
pantothere — ˈpantəˌthi(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin Pantotheria : a mammal or fossil of the order Pantotheria * * * /pan teuh thear /, n. any animal of the extinct order Pantotheria that lived during the late Mesozoic Era, believed to be the ancestor… … Useful english dictionary
List of prehistoric mammals — This is a list of articles dealing with animals that lived and went extinct during prehistoric times. It does not include species that existed then that still continue to exist into recorded history.ubclass PrototheriaInfraclass Yinotheria*Family … Wikipedia
pantothere — /pan teuh thear /, n. any animal of the extinct order Pantotheria that lived during the late Mesozoic Era, believed to be the ancestor of the marsupial and placental mammals. [ < NL Pantotheria name of order, equiv. to panto PANTO + theria, pl.… … Universalium
class Mammalia — noun warm blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female • Syn: ↑Mammalia • Hypernyms: ↑class • Member Holonyms: ↑Vertebrata, ↑subphylum Vertebrata, ↑Craniata, ↑ … Useful english dictionary