

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Paravail — Par a*vail , a. [OF. par aval below; par through (L. per) + aval down; a (L. ad) + val (L. vallis) a valley. Cf. {Paramount}.] (Eng. Law) At the bottom; lowest. Cowell. [1913 Webster] Note: In feudal law, the tenant paravail is the lowest tenant… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • paravail — /par euh vayl , par euh vayl /, adj. Old Eng. Law. being below or inferior to all others; specifically, being a tenant of one who holds land of another who is also a tenant: a tenant paravail. [1525 35; < OF par aval down (of direction, position) …   Universalium

  • paravail — /paeraveyl/peeraveyl/ Inferior; subordinate. In old English law, tenant paravail signified the lowest tenant of land, being the tenant of a mesne lord. He was so called because he was supposed to make avail or profit of the land for another …   Black's law dictionary

  • paravail — See tenant paravail …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • paravail — |parə|vā(ə)l adjective Etymology: Anglo French paravale, from Old French par aval below, from par by + aval down, from a to + val valley more at paramount, vale feudal law : being below or at the bottom used especially of …   Useful english dictionary

  • tenant paravail — The tenant of a tenant. Under the feudal system, if the king granted a manor to A, and A granted a portion of the land to B, then B was said to hold of A, and A, of the king. In other words, B held his lands immediately of A, but mediately of the …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • writ of mesne — A writ which lay for a tenant paravail against a mesne lord for permitting a distress to be levied by the lord paramount by reason of the default of the mesne lord, the damage of the plaintiff, the tenant paravail …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Subinfeudation — Subinfeudation, in English law, is the practice by which tenants, holding land under the king or other superior lord, carved out in their turn by sub letting or alienating a part of their lands new and distinct tenures.The tenants were termed… …   Wikipedia

  • Quia Emptores — (medieval Latin for because the buyers , the incipit of the document) was a statute passed by Edward I of England in 1290 that prevented tenants from alienating their lands to others by subinfeudation. Quia Emptores, along with its companion… …   Wikipedia

  • Lord Paramount — Paramount (derived from the Anglo French word paramont , which means up above , or par a mont , meaning up or on top of the mountain ), is the highest authority, or that being of the greatest importance. The word was first used as a term of… …   Wikipedia

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