- arthrobranchia
- ar·thro·bran·chia
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
arthrobranchia — n.; pl. iae [Gr. arthron, joint; branchia, gills] (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) In Decapoda, a gill attached to the articulating membrane between the appendage and body; arthrobranchiata … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
arthrobranchia — Branchia (gill) attached to the joint area between the body and the first podomere of the leg (Fig. 3C). (Pl. arthrobranchiae) [Perez Farfante and Kensley, 1997] … Crustacea glossary
arthrobranchia — noun see arthrobranch … Useful english dictionary
arthrobranch(s) — ( ) [Holthuis, 1993]. Schematic drawing of a thoracic leg. [Holthuis, 1993] A decapod gill associated with the articular membrane between the coxa and the body wall; joint gills. [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]. A gill arising from the articular… … Crustacea glossary