

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Pentagonese — noun Date: 1951 military jargon …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Pentagonese — /pen teuh geuh neez , nees /, n. a style of language characterized by the use of euphemisms, technical jargon, acronyms, and circumlocutions, used esp. by people working in the U.S. military establishment. [1950 55, Amer.; PENTAGON + ESE] * * * …   Universalium

  • Pentagonese — «пентагонский жаргон», жаргон дельцов военно промышленного комплекса, используемый в кругах, связанных с Пентагоном, с целью скрыть от посторонних истинный смысл высказываний и создать у непосвященных людей впечатление государственной важности,… …   Словарь топонимов США

  • Pentagonese — Synonyms and related words: Varietyese, Wall Streetese, Washingtonese, business English, businessese, cinemese, collegese, commercialism, computerese, economese, federalese, journalese, legalese, medical Greek, medicalese, newspaperese,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pentagonese — |pentəˌgä|nēz, tēˌ , nēs noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Dept. of Defense + English ese : a style of writing characteristic of the Pentagon bureaucracy …   Useful english dictionary

  • language — n 1. speech, tongue, dialect, parlance, idiolect; vernacular, common speech, vulgate, vulgar tongue; mother tongue, native tongue, parent language, linguistic stock; slang, idiom, vulgarism, colloquialism, vernacularism, archaism; patois, pidgin …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • terminology — n nomenclature, terms, language, vocabulary; wording, phrasing, phraseology, locution; jargon, Inf. lingo, argot, cant; bureaucratese, journalese, newspaperese, businessese, shoptalk, Washington ese, Pentagonese, officialese, newspeak,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • ESE — abbr. east south east. * * * noun the compass point midway between east and southeast • Syn: ↑east southeast • Hypernyms: ↑compass point, ↑point * * * abbreviation east southeast * * * east southeast. Also, E.S.E. * * * abbrev …   Useful english dictionary

  • e.s.e. — ese, suffix added to nouns. 1. to form adjectives of or having to do with : »Japanese = of or having to do with Japan. 2. to form nouns a person born or living in : »Portuguese = a person born or living in Portugal. 3. to form nouns the language… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ESE. — ese, suffix added to nouns. 1. to form adjectives of or having to do with : »Japanese = of or having to do with Japan. 2. to form nouns a person born or living in : »Portuguese = a person born or living in Portugal. 3. to form nouns the language… …   Useful english dictionary

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