

English syllables. 2014.

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  • perfins — ˈpərˌfinz noun plural Etymology: perforated initials : perforated initials …   Useful english dictionary

  • Perfin — A perfin (a contraction of PERForated INitials ), also called SPIFS (a contraction of Stamps Perforated by Initials of Firms and Societies ), is a pattern of tiny holes punched through a postage stamp. Organizations used perforating machines to… …   Wikipedia

  • Lochung (Philatelie) — Lochung auf einer Briefmarke Bei der (Firmen )Lochung von Briefmarken (im Englischen und teilweise auch auf Deutsch als Perfin bezeichnet, von der englischen Abkürzung „Perforated Initials“, was so viel bedeutet wie: gelochte Initialen) wird… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Postage stamp — A postage stamp is an adhesive paper evidence of pre paying a fee for postal services. Usually a small paper rectangle or square that is attached to an envelope, the postage stamp signifies that the person sending the letter or package may have… …   Wikipedia

  • Cancellation (mail) — On mail, a cancellation (or cancel for short) is a postal marking applied to a postage stamp or postal stationery indicating that the item has been used. They are to be distinguished from overprints, and, in the case of the British Occasions… …   Wikipedia

  • Philatelic literature — is written material relating to philately, primarily information about postage stamps and postal history.It is generally divided into the following categories: # Stamp catalogs ## Single country catalog ## Worldwide catalog ## Geographic area… …   Wikipedia

  • Postage stamps and postal history of the Straits Settlements — The Straits Settlements of the Malayan Peninsula have a distinct postal history from the other Malayan areas.Mail was originally handled privately by passing ships; the earliest known postal markings date from around 1806, used by a post office… …   Wikipedia

  • Douglas Myall — (born 17 December 1922 in Essex)[1] is a British civil servant and philatelist. He is known for his exhaustive study of the Machin stamps, the British definitive series in use since 1967. His catalogue, The Complete Deegam Machin Handbook, is one …   Wikipedia

  • Perfin — Lochung auf einer Briefmarke Bei der Lochung von Briefmarken (im englischen und teilweise auch auf deutsch als Perfin bezeichnet) wird zwischen zwei Arten unterscheiden. Zum einen der amtlichen Lochung durch Behörden, zum anderen der nicht… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Перфин — Марка Родезии с перфином Британской Южно Африканской компании (1897) Перфин (сокращённо от «ПЕРФорированные ИНициалы»; на английском языке называются SPIFS, со …   Википедия

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