- peritrichida
- peri·trich·i·da
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Peritrichida — An order of ciliates (subclass Peritrichia, phylum Ciliophora) characterized by a cylindrical shape with the cilia usually limited to the zone surrounding the mouth opening; includes the suborder Mobilina, whose members are all ecto or… … Medical dictionary
peritrichida — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷kədə Etymology: New Latin, from peri + trich + ida synonym of peritricha … Useful english dictionary
peritrich — per·i·trich (pĕrʹĭ trĭk ) n. pl. pe·rit·richs, also pe·rit·ri·cha (pə rĭtʹrĭ kə) Any of various protozoans, such as the vorticella, having a wide oral opening surrounded by cilia. [From New Latin Peritrichida, former order name : peri + Greek… … Universalium
vorticella — /vawr teuh sel euh/, n., pl. vorticellae / sel ee/, vorticellas. any ciliated protozoan of the genus Vorticella, having a transparent, bell shaped body with a retractile stalk. [1780 90; < NL; see VORTEX, ELLA] * * * ▪ protist genus of the… … Universalium
Vorticella — A genus of Ciliata of the order Peritrichida, bell shaped and with a spiral of cilia around the adoral zone; various free living species have been found at times in the feces, urine, and mucous discharges. [Mod. L. dim. of L. vortex, a … Medical dictionary
Vorticella — Vo … Wikipédia en Français
Сувойки — Научная классификация промежуточные ранги … Википедия
Mobilina — Mo·bi·li·na (mo″bĭ liґnə) [L. mobilis mobile] a suborder of ciliate protozoa of the order Peritrichida, subclass Peritrichia, which are mobile; usually conical, cylindrical, or discoidal; and orally and aborally flattened. They… … Medical dictionary
Peritrichia — Peri·trich·ia (per″ĭ trikґe ə) [peri + Gr. thrix hair] a subclass of typically cone shaped, ciliate protozoa (class Oligohymenophorea, phylum Ciliophora), characterized by the presence of a prominent oral ciliary field covering… … Medical dictionary
peritricha — /pəˈrɪtrəkə/ (say puh ritruhkuh) plural noun 1. any of various protozoans of the order Peritrichida, which have a spiral of cilia around the mouth. 2. bacteria having the organs of locomotion all round the cell surface. Compare monotricha,… …