- phanerosis
- phan·er·o·sis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
phanerosis — The act or process of becoming visible. [phanero + G. osis, condition] fatty p. presumed unmasking of previously invisible fat in the cytoplasm of cells; marked fatty metamorphosis is associated with an absolute increase in the fat content of… … Medical dictionary
phanerosis — … Useful english dictionary
фанероз жировой — (phanerosis adiposa; греч. phaneros видимый, явный + оз) см. Дистрофия жировая … Большой медицинский словарь
Фанеро́з жирово́й — (phanerosis adiposa; греч. phaneros видимый, явный + оз) см. Дистрофия жировая … Медицинская энциклопедия
Spiritual gift — For the gifts listed in Isaiah 11:2 3, see Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. In Christianity, spiritual gifts (or charismata) are endowments given by the Holy Spirit.[1] These are the supernatural graces which individual Christians need to fulfill… … Wikipedia
Theophany — For the Christian holiday, see Epiphany (holiday). For the given name, see Tiffany (given name). Death of Semele by Peter Paul Rubens … Wikipedia
John Thomas (Christadelphian) — Dr. John Thomas (April 12, 1805 March 5, 1871) was the founder of the Christadelphian movement, a Restorationist religion with doctrines similar in part to some 16th century Antitrinitarian Rationalist Socinians and the 16th century Swiss German… … Wikipedia
The Incarnation — The Incarnation † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Incarnation I. The Fact of the Incarnation (1) The Divine Person of Jesus Christ A. Old Testament Proofs B. New Testament Proofs C. Witness of Tradition (2) The Human… … Catholic encyclopedia
John Thomas (cristadelfiano) — John Thomas Medico de profesión, hijo de un ministro Congregacionalista Inglés, fue el fundador de la organización religiosa conocida como Los Cristadelfianos un movimiento de caracter restauracionista, antitrinitario y pacifista. Escritor de… … Wikipedia Español
Phanerose — Pha|ne|ro|se, die; [zu griech. phanérōsis = das Sichtbar , Offenbarmachen] (Med.): das Sichtbarwerden, machen von sonst nicht erkennbaren Einzelheiten, krankhaften Veränderungen, Ablagerungen o. Ä. mithilfe besonderer Techniken … Universal-Lexikon