- pharyngobdellida
- phar·yn·gob·del·li·da
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pharyngobdellida — ˈdelədə noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from pharyng + bdell + ida : an order or other division of Hirudinea sometimes regarded as a subdivision of Gnathobdellida and comprising leeches lacking both proboscis and jaws … Useful english dictionary
Arhynchobdellida — Taxobox name = Proboscisless leeches image width = 240px image caption = A giant Americobdella species from southern Chile. regnum = Animalia subregnum = Eumetazoa phylum = Annelida classis = Clitellata subclassis = Hirudinea infraclassis =… … Wikipedia
arhynchobdellida — |āˌriŋˌkäbˈdelədə noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from a (II) + rhynch + bdellida (from bdella + ida) in some classifications : an order or other division of leeches comprising the Gnathobdellida and Pharyngobdellida … Useful english dictionary
herpobdellida — ˌhərˌpäbˈdelədə Etymology: New Latin, from Herpobdella genus of leeches (from Greek herpein to creep + New Latin o + bdella) + ida synonym of pharyngobdellida … Useful english dictionary
pharyngobdellae — fəˌriŋˌgäbˈde(ˌ)lē Etymology: New Latin, from pharyng + bdellae (from Greek bdella leech) synonym of pharyngobdellida … Useful english dictionary