phlo|ëm — phlo|em or phlo|ëm «FLOH ehm», noun. the tissue in a plant or tree through which the sap containing dissolved food materials passes downward to the stems and roots; bast: »The phloem carries away the sugars and proteins which are synthesized… … Useful english dictionary
phlo|em — or phlo|ëm «FLOH ehm», noun. the tissue in a plant or tree through which the sap containing dissolved food materials passes downward to the stems and roots; bast: »The phloem carries away the sugars and proteins which are synthesized there (Fred… … Useful english dictionary
phlo|gis|tic — «floh JIHS tihk», adjective. 1. Medicine. inflammatory. 2. Old Chemistry. having to do with or relating to phlogiston. 3. Obsolete. a) burning; fiery. b) expressive of passionate anger; very heated … Useful english dictionary
phlo|gis|ton — «floh JIHS tuhn; British, also floh GIHS tuhn», noun. a supposed element causing inflammability, once thought to exist in all things that burn. ╂[< New Latin phlogiston, adjective < Greek phlogistón, neuter of phlogistós inflammable,… … Useful english dictionary
phlo|go|sis — «fluh GOH sihs», noun. Medicine. inflammation, especially of external parts of the body. ╂[< New Latin phlogosis < Greek phlógōsis < phlóx, phlogós flame] … Useful english dictionary
phlo|rhi|zin — «fluh REE zihn», noun. = phlorizin. (Cf. ↑phlorizin) … Useful english dictionary
phlo|rid|zin — «fluh RIHD zihn», noun. = phlorizin. (Cf. ↑phlorizin) … Useful english dictionary
de|phlo|gis|ti|cat|ed — «DEE fluh JIHS tuh KAY tihd», adjective. Obsolete. deprived of phlogiston. de|phlo|gis|ti|cat|ed «DEE fluh JIHS tuh KAY tihd», adjective. Obsolete. deprived of phlogiston … Useful english dictionary
am|phi|phlo|ic — «AM fuh FLOH ihk», adjective. having to do with plant stems that have the phloem on the inner and outer surfaces of the xylem. ╂[< amphi + Greek phloiós bark + English ic] … Useful english dictionary
an|ti|phlo|gis|tic — «AN tee floh JIHS tihk», noun, adjective. –n. an agent or drug that counteracts or reduces inflammation. –adj. that acts as an antiphlogistic … Useful english dictionary