- phloionic
- phlo·i·on·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
phloionic acid — |flōē|änik noun Etymology: phloionic from Greek phloios bark + English onic : a crystalline hydroxy acid [−CH(OH)(CH2)7COOH]2 that is among the acidic products formed by alkaline hydrolysis of cork; 9,10 dihydroxy octadecane dioic acid see… … Useful english dictionary
suberin — ˈsübərə̇n noun ( s) Etymology: French subérine, from Latin suber + French ine in : a complex fatty substance that constitutes an important part of cork cell walls and is found also in or between many other cells and that on alkaline hydrolysis… … Useful english dictionary