

English syllables. 2014.

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  • phoe|be — «FEE bee», noun. 1. Greek Mythology. the goddess of the moon. Phoebe was also called Artemis by the Greeks and Diana by the Romans. 2. the moon. ╂[< Latin Phoebe < Greek Phoíbē, feminine of Phoîbos Phoebus] phoe|be «FEE bee», noun. a small… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Phoe|be — «FEE bee», noun. 1. Greek Mythology. the goddess of the moon. Phoebe was also called Artemis by the Greeks and Diana by the Romans. 2. the moon. ╂[< Latin Phoebe < Greek Phoíbē, feminine of Phoîbos Phoebus] phoe|be «FEE bee», noun. a small… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Phoe|be|an — «fih BEE uhn», adjective. 1. of or having to do with Phoebus or Apollo as the god of poetry. 2. characteristic of Phoebus or Apollo as the god of poetry …   Useful english dictionary

  • Phoe|nix — «FEE nihks», noun. 1. a mythical bird, the only one of its kind, said to live 500 or many thousands of years, to burn itself on a funeral pyre of herbs and to rise again from a small worm in the ashes, fresh and beautiful, for another long life.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • phoe|nix — «FEE nihks», noun. 1. a mythical bird, the only one of its kind, said to live 500 or many thousands of years, to burn itself on a funeral pyre of herbs and to rise again from a small worm in the ashes, fresh and beautiful, for another long life.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Phoe|bus — «FEE buhs», noun. 1. Greek Mythology. a) Apollo, the god of the sun. b) Apollo as the god of poetry and music. 2. the sun: »Hark, hark! the lark at heaven s gate sings, And Phoebus gins arise (Shakespeare). ╂[< Latin Phoebus < Greek Phoîbos …   Useful english dictionary

  • phoe|ni|ca|ceous — «FEE nuh KAY shuhs», adjective. belonging to the palm family of plants. ╂[< New Latin Phoenix, icis the genus name (< Greek phoînix, īkos date palm) + English aceous] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Phoe|ni|cian — «fuh NIHSH uhn, NEE shuhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Phoenicia, an ancient kingdom on the eastern Mediterranean, its people, or their language. –n. 1. one of the people of Phoenicia or of a Phoenician colony: »The invention… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Phoe|ni|cis — «fih NY sihs», noun. genitive of Phoenix …   Useful english dictionary

  • Phoe Pyonn Cho — Infobox Film name = Phoe Pyonn Cho image size = caption = director = Mya Maung producer = Shwe Thiri Film Company writer = narrator = starring = music = cinematography = Tint Tal editing = distributor = Shwe Thiri Film Company release = 1955… …   Wikipedia

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