

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Phragmosome — The phragmosome is a sheet of cytoplasm forming in highly vacuolated plant cells in preparation for mitosis. In contrast to animal cells, plant cells often contain large central vacuoles occupying up to 90% of the total cell volume and pushing… …   Wikipedia

  • phragmosome — In plant cells, the region of the cytoplasm in which the nucleus is located during nuclear division. Can also refer to microbodies associated with the developing cell plate after nuclear division …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • phragmosome — ˈfragməˌsōm noun ( s) Etymology: phragmo (from Greek phragmos fence) + some : a differentiated cytoplasmic diaphragm that develops from the strands of parietal cytoplasm during cell division in plant cells and forms a medium in which the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Preprophase — is an additional phase during mitosis in plant cells that does not occur in other eukaryotes such as animals or fungi. It precedes prophase and is characterized by two distinct events: *The formation of the preprophase band, a dense microtubule… …   Wikipedia

  • Preprophase band — The preprophase band is a microtubule array found in plant cells that are about to undergo cell division and enter the preprophase stage of the plant cell cycle. Besides the phragmosome, it is the first microscopically visible sign that a plant… …   Wikipedia

  • Mitosis — Not to be confused with meiosis, miosis, or myositis. Mitosis divides the chromosomes …   Wikipedia

  • Phragmoplast — The phragmoplast is a plant cell specific structure that forms during late cytokinesis. It serves as a scaffold for cell plate assembly and subsequent formation of a new cell wall separating the two daughter cells.The phragmoplast is a complex… …   Wikipedia

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