- pierogi
- pie·ro·gi
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Pierogi — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un plato de Pierogi Ruskie … Wikipedia Español
Pierogi — ruskie Les pierogi (au singulier pieróg) sont un plat typique de la cuisine polonaise. Leur forme et leur pâte ressemblent à une sorte de ravioli. Ils peuvent être farcis de différentes façons. Traditionnellement ils sont farcis : de pommes… … Wikipédia en Français
pierogi — [pi rō′gē] n. pl. pierogi or pierogies alt. sp. of PIROGI * * * pie·ro·gi also pi·ro·gi (pĭ rōʹgē) n. pl. pierogi, also pirog … Universalium
pierogi — [pi rō′gē] n. pl. pierogi or pierogies alt. sp. of PIROGI … English World dictionary
Pierogi — Infobox Prepared Food name = Pierogi caption = A plateful of pierogi topped with fried onions alternate name = Perogi Perogy Pirohi Piroghi Pirogi Pierogy Pirogen Pyrohy country = region = Eastern Europe creator = course = Appetizer, main,… … Wikipedia
Pierogi — Polnische pierogi ruskie (Piroggen ruthenische Art) Die Pirogge ist eine gefüllte Teigtasche aus Hefe oder Blätterteig, die in der osteuropäischen Küche weit verbreitet ist. Die Art der Herstellung, Füllungen und Bezeichnung variiert von Region… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pierogi — also pirogi noun (plural gi; also gies) Etymology: Polish, plural of pieróg dumpling, pierogi Date: 1811 a case of dough filled with a savory filling (as of meat, cheese, or vegetables) and cooked by boiling and then panfrying … New Collegiate Dictionary
pierogi — noun also pirogi pəˈrōgē, pi (plural pierogi or pierogies also pirogi or pirogies) Etymology: Polish, plural of pieróg, piróg stuffed dumpling; akin … Useful english dictionary
pierogi ruskie — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}} pierogi wypełnione farszem z ziemniaków i sera, zwykle podawane ze zrumienioną cebulą : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Na obiad była zalewajka i pierogi ruskie. {{/stl 10}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
Pierogi Fest — The Pierogi Fest is an annual festival held in downtown Whiting, Indiana. Although it gets its name from the Pierogi, a Polish dumpling, there are many other attractions. It lasts for 3 days on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday during late July. It… … Wikipedia
pierogi — noun /pəˈroːɡi/ A square or crescent shaped dumpling of unleavened dough, stuffed with sauerkraut, cheese, mashed potatoes, cabbage, onion, meat, or any combination of these, or with a … Wiktionary