- platinoid
- plat·i·noid
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
platinoid — PLATINOÍD, platinoide, s.n. Aliaj de cupru, nichel şi zinc de culoarea platinei (1), care se foloseşte în electrotehnică sau pentru ornamentaţii. – Din fr. platinoïde, germ. Platinoid. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 22.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 platinoíd s … Dicționar Român
Platinoid — Plat i*noid, a. [Platinum + oid.] Resembling platinum. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Platinoid — Plat i*noid, n. (Chem.) An alloy of German silver containing tungsten; used for forming electrical resistance coils and standards. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Platinoid — Platinoid, Legierung aus Nickel, Zink, Kupfer, Wolfram, besitzt großen elektrischen Widerstand und dient zur Konstruktion von Rheostaten … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Platinoid — Platinoid, s. Nickellegierungen … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Platinoid — Platinoīd, eine Nickel Zink Kupfer Wolfram Legierung, dient wegen ihres großen Leitungswiderstandes zur Herstellung von Drähten für Rheostaten … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
platinoid — [plat′ n oid΄] adj. [ PLATIN(UM) + OID] resembling platinum n. 1. an alloy of copper, nickel, zinc, and tungsten, having a strong resistance to electric current: used in resistors, thermocouples, etc. 2. any metal associated with platinum … English World dictionary
platinoid — /plat n oyd /, adj. 1. resembling platinum: the platinoid elements. n. 2. any of the metals, as palladium or iridium, with which platinum is commonly associated. 3. an alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel, to which small quantities of such elements… … Universalium
platinoid — /ˈplætənɔɪd/ (say platuhnoyd) adjective 1. resembling platinum: the platinoid elements. –noun 2. any of the metals (palladium, iridium, etc.) with which platinum is usually associated. 3. an alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel, to which small… …
platinoid — 1. adjective Of or resembling platinum 2. noun a) Any of several metals that resemble platinum in their chemistry; especially osmium, iridium and … Wiktionary
Platinoid — Pla|ti|no|id, das; [e]s, e [zu griech. oeide̅̓s = ähnlich]: Legierung aus Kupfer, Nickel u. a. * * * Pla|ti|no|id, das; [e]s, e [zu griech. oeide̅s = ähnlich]: Legierung aus Kupfer, Nickel u. a … Universal-Lexikon