- platypodous
- pla·typ·o·dous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
platypodous — adjective see platypoda … Useful english dictionary
platypod — /plat i pod /, adj. 1. Also, platypodous /pleuh tip euh deuhs/. having a broad foot, as certain gastropod mollusks. n. 2. a platypod animal. [1840 50; PLATY + POD] * * * … Universalium
platycephaly — n. flatness of crown of head. ♦ platycephalic, ♦ platycephalous, a. ♦ platydactyl, a. having flat digits. ♦ platypodous, a. having broad, flat feet. ♦ platypodia, n. flat footedness. ♦ platypus, n. duckbill. ♦ platyrrhinian … Dictionary of difficult words
platypod — /plat i pod /, adj. 1. Also, platypodous /pleuh tip euh deuhs/. having a broad foot, as certain gastropod mollusks. n. 2. a platypod animal. [1840 50; PLATY + POD] … Useful english dictionary