- pneumotachogram
- pneu·mo·tachogram
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pneumotachogram — pneu·mo·tach·o·gram (no͞o mə tăkʹə grăm , nyo͞o ) n. A record produced by a pneumotachograph. * * * … Universalium
pneumotachogram — A recording of respired gas flow as a function of time, produced by a pneumotachograph. [G. pneuma, air, + tachys, swift, + gramma, something written] * * * pneu·mo·tacho·gram .n(y)ü mō tak ə .gram n a record of the velocity of the respiratory… … Medical dictionary
pneumotachogram — ˈn(y)ümō+ noun Etymology: pneum + tachogram : a record of the velocity of the respiratory function obtained by use of a pneumotachograph … Useful english dictionary