

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Poanes — Taxobox name = Poanes image width = 250px image caption = Zabulon Skipper, Poanes zabulon regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Hesperiidae subfamilia = Hesperiinae genus = Poanes genus authority =… …   Wikipedia

  • poanes — pōˈā(ˌ)nēz noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin : a genus of skipper butterflies …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of Butterflies of North America (Hesperiidae) — Back to the main page.ubfamily Pyrginae: Spread wing Skippers* Silver spotted Skipper, Epargyreus clarus * Golden Banded Skipper, Autochton cellus * Chisos Banded Skipper, Autochton cincta * Hoary Edge, Achalarus lyciades * Desert Cloudywing,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of butterflies of North America (Hesperiinae) — Back to the main page.ubfamily Hesperiinae: Grass Skippers* Fiery Skipper, Hylephila phyleus * Sachem, Atalopedes campestris * Whirlabout, Polites vibex * European Skipper, Thymelicus lineola * Least Skipper, Ancyloxypha numitor * Tropical Least… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Texas butterflies — This is a list of Texas butterflies, all species of butterfly found in the state of Texas.Family Papilionidae (Swallowtails)ubfamily Papilioninae (Swallowtails)* Battus philenor (Pipevine Swallowtail) * Battus polydamas (Polydamas Swallowtail) *… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Lepidoptera that feed on grasses — Grasses (Poaceae) are very important as food plants for the larvae of many Lepidoptera species.pecies which feed exclusively on grasses*Aaron s Skipper ( Poanes aaroni ): Food plant: Spartina alterniflora *Antler Moth ( Cerapteryx graminis ):… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste des papillons diurnes du Canada — La liste des papillons diurnes du Canada comporte des lépidoptères de toutes les familles, Papilionidae, Lycaenidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae et Hesperiidae. La majorité d entre elles sont résidentes au Canada mais quelques unes y sont migratrices… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Aaron's Skipper — Taxobox name = Aaron s Skipper status = secure regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Hesperiidae subfamilia = Hesperiinae tribus = Poaneini genus = Poanes species = P. aaronii subspecies = P. a.… …   Wikipedia

  • List of butterflies of Oklahoma — This is a list of all butterflies and skippers found in the state of Oklahoma. Butterflies and skippers are a monophyletic group found in the Lepidoptera order of Insecta . (See the difference between a butterfly and a moth.) ButterfliesOrder:… …   Wikipedia

  • Zabulon Skipper — Taxobox name = Zabulon Skipper image width = 250px status = NE status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Hesperiidae genus = Poanes species = P. zabulon binomial = Poanes zabulon… …   Wikipedia

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