- pododerm
- podo·derm
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pododerm — podo·derm päd ə .dərm n the dermal or growing part of the covering of the foot of a hoofed animal as distinguished from the epidermal or horny part * * * podo·derm (podґo dərm) [podo + derm] on hoofed animals, that portion of the skin that… … Medical dictionary
pododerm — ˈpädəˌdərm noun ( s) Etymology: pod + derm : the dermal or growing part of the covering of the foot of a hoofed animal as distinguished from the epidermal or horny part … Useful english dictionary
Lamina — A plate or layer. For example, the lamina arcus vertebrae, usually just called the lamina, are plates of bone in each vertebral body. * * * SYN: plate (1). SEE ALSO: layer, stratum. [L] l. affixa [TA] that part of the medial ependymal wall of the … Medical dictionary
pod- — combining form or podo Etymology: Greek, from pod , pous more at foot 1. : foot podology … Useful english dictionary