- astroblast
- as·tro·blast
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
astroblast — ASTROBLÁST s. n. celulă glială triunghiulară cu expansiuni citoplasmatice implantate pe pereţii vaselor. (< fr. astroblaste) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
astroblast — An embryonic astrocyte … Dictionary of molecular biology
astroblast — A primitive cell developing into an astrocyte. [G. astron, star, + blastos, germ] * * * as·tro·blast as trə .blast n a primordial astrocyte as·tro·blas·tic .as trə blas tik adj * * * as·tro·blast (asґtro blast) [astro + blast] an embryonic cell… … Medical dictionary
Astroblast — Astro|blạst [gr. ἀστρον = Stern und ↑...blast] m; en, en (meist Mehrz.): Vorstufe der ↑Astrozyten … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
astroblast — … Useful english dictionary
Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge — The Institute of Astronomy (IoA) is the largest of the three astronomy departments in the University of Cambridge, and one of the largest astronomy sites in the UK. Around 170 academics, postdocs, visitors and assistant staff work at the… … Wikipedia
Stomp rocket — A stomp rocket is a toy rocket that is powered by compressed air. This is a trademarked name, the owner being Fred Ramirez, President of D L Company. The term stomp rocket has been genericized, much like xerox or kleenex . D L manufactured the… … Wikipedia
Liste De Jeux Atari 2600 — Listes de jeux vidéo 0 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T … Wikipédia en Français
Liste de jeux Atari 2600 — Liste des listes de jeux vidéo Ceci est la liste de tous les jeux sortis sur Atari 2600, trié alphabétiquement. So … Wikipédia en Français
Liste de jeux atari 2600 — Listes de jeux vidéo 0 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T … Wikipédia en Français