- polygo
- polygo·na·tion;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
polygonation — polygo·na·tion … English syllables
Juegos de Virtual Boy — Anexo:Juegos de Virtual Boy Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Esta es una lista de juegos para la videoconsola Nintendo Virtual Boy, organizada por orden alfabético según el nombre. Contenido 1 Juegos lanzados 2 Juegos Cancelados 3 Véase también … Wikipedia Español
List of Virtual Boy games — Nintendo s Virtual Boy console The Virtual Boy was the first video game console marketed as having VR graphics. It was created and developed by Gunpei Yokoi the creator of the original Game Boy and the Metroid video game franchise.[ … Wikipedia
3D Tetris — Infobox VG| title = 3D Tetris developer = T E Soft publisher = Nintendo designer = engine = released = 1996 genre = Puzzle game modes = Single player ratings = ESRB: Kids to Adults (6+) platforms = Virtual Boy media = requirements = input = 3D… … Wikipedia
Tragópyron — (T. Bbrst.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Polygo neae verae; Arten in Sibirien, Armenien, Carolina … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Anexo:Videojuegos de Virtual Boy — La consola Virtual Boy, de Nintendo. La Virtual Boy fue la primera videoconsola vendida que era capaz de usar gráfico … Wikipedia Español
Erysiphe — Er·ys·i·phe (er isґĭ fe) a genus of powdery mildews, fungi of the family Erysiphaceae. E. polygoґni attacks many species of fruits and vegetables. The imperfect (sexual) stage is Oidium … Medical dictionary
Список игр Virtual Boy — 3 D Tetris 3D BattleSnake 3D Tetris Affine Mode Demo 1 Affine Mode Demo 2 BitString Demo Blox V1.1 by KR155E Chiki Chiki LaBo Croach, The … Википедия
dinte — DÍNTE, dinţi, s.m. 1. Fiecare dintre organele osoase mici, acoperite cu un strat de smalţ, aşezate în cavitatea bucală a majorităţii vertebratelor şi servind de obicei pentru a rupe, a mesteca şi a fărâmiţa alimentele; p. restr. fiecare dintre… … Dicționar Român
na — abhi·na·ya; ab·na·ki; abom·i·na·ble; abom·i·na·tion; abom·i·na·tor; acae·na; aca·na; ac·a·ri·na; acei·tu·na; aceph·a·li·na; acet·y·le·na·tion; ach·a·ti·na; ac·i·na·ceous; acu·mi·na·tion; ada·na; ade·na; ad·na·tion; aero·na·val; aesch·na;… … English syllables