- postaxial
- post·axial
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
postaxial — [pōst ak′sē əl] adj. Anat. Zool. situated behind the axis of the body or a limb [a postaxial muscle] … English World dictionary
Postaxial — Post*ax i*al, a. [Pref. post + axial.] (Anat.) Situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal; caudal; posterior; especially, behind, or on the caudal or posterior (that is, ulnar or fibular) side of, the axis of a vertebrate limb.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
postaxial — adjective Date: 1872 of or relating to the ulnar side of the vertebrate forelimb or the fibular side of the hind limb; also of or relating to the side of an animal or side of one of its limbs that is posterior to the axis of its body or limbs … New Collegiate Dictionary
postaxial — postaxially, adv. /pohst ak see euhl/, adj. Anat., Zool. pertaining to or situated behind the axis of the body, esp. the posterior side of the axis of a limb. [1870 75; POST + AXIAL] * * * … Universalium
postaxial — 1. Posterior to the axis of the body or any limb, the latter being in the anatomic position. 2. Denoting the portion of a limb bud that lies caudal to the axis of the limb : the ulnar aspect … Medical dictionary
postaxial — adj. behind the axle of a body … English contemporary dictionary
postaxial — post•ax•i•al [[t]poʊstˈæk si əl[/t]] adj. anat. pertaining to or situated behind an axis of the body, esp. the posterior side of the axis of a limb • Etymology: 1870 … From formal English to slang
postaxial — /poʊstˈæksiəl/ (say pohst akseeuhl) adjective behind the body axis, as the posterior part of the limb axis. {post + axial} …
postaxial — … Useful english dictionary
postaxial acrofacial dysostosis — Miller syndrome … Medical dictionary