- poyn
- poyn·ting's;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
poyn — var. poin v. Obs., to prick, stitch … Useful english dictionary
poignancy — /poyn yeuhn see, poyn euhn /, n., pl. poignancies for 2. 1. the state or condition of being poignant. 2. a poignant moment, event, situation, or the like. [1680 90; POIGN(ANT) + ANCY] * * * … Universalium
poyntell — /poyn tel/, n. pointel. Also, poyntill /poyn til/. * * * … Universalium
poyntell — /poyn tel/, n. pointel. Also, poyntill /poyn til/ … Useful english dictionary
poinciana — /poyn see an euh/, n. 1. See royal poinciana. 2. any of several other tropical trees of the legume family, with showy flowers, as Caesalpina pulcherrima (dwarf poinciana) or Peltophorum pterocarpum (yellow poinciana). [1725 35; < NL; named after… … Universalium
poinsettia — /poyn set ee euh, set euh/, n. a plant, Euphorbia (Poinsettia) pulcherrima, of the spurge family, native to Mexico and Central America, having variously lobed leaves and brilliant scarlet, pink, or white petallike bracts. [1830 40; < NL, named… … Universalium
pointal — /poyn tl/, n. pointel. * * * … Universalium
pointel — /poyn tl/, n. a pavement of tile mosaic forming an abstract design. Also, pointal, poyntell, poyntill. [1250 1300; ME: stylus, pencil, pointed instrument < OF: point of a spear (F pointeau); c. It puntello, dim. of punto POINT; see ELLE] * * * … Universalium
pointer — /poyn teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that points. 2. a long, tapering stick used by teachers, lecturers, etc., in pointing things out on a map, blackboard, or the like. 3. the hand on a watch dial, clock face, scale, etc. 4. Mil. the member of… … Universalium
pointing — /poyn ting/, n. (in masonry) mortar used as a finishing touch to brickwork. [1835 45; POINT + ING1] * * * ▪ brickwork in building maintenance, the technique of repairing mortar joints between bricks or other masonry elements. When aging… … Universalium