- promyelocyte
- pro·myelocyte
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
promyélocyte — ● promyélocyte nom masculin Cellule de la moelle osseuse intermédiaire entre le myéloblaste et le myélocyte … Encyclopédie Universelle
Promyelocyte — A promyelocyte (or progranulocyte) is a granulocyte precursor, developing from the myeloblast and developing into the myelocyte. =Additional External links* * * 18. Bone Marrow and Hemopoiesis: bone marrow smear, promyelocyte and erythroblasts *… … Wikipedia
promyelocyte — noun A granulocyte precursor, developing from the myeloblast and developing into the myelocyte … Wiktionary
promyelocyte — 1. The developmental stage of a granular leukocyte between the myeloblast and myelocyte, when a few specific granules appear in addition to azurophilic ones. 2. A large uninuclear cell occurring in the circulating blood of persons with myelocytic … Medical dictionary
promyelocyte — premyelocyte; n. the developmental stage of a granulocyte (a type of white blood cell) between the myeloblast and the myelocyte. It has abundant cytoplasm that, with Romanowsky stains, appears blue with reddish granules. Promyelocytes are… … The new mediacal dictionary
promyelocyte — … Useful english dictionary
premyelocyte — SYN: promyelocyte. * * * pre·my·elo·cyte mī ə lə .sīt n PROMYELOCYTE * * * n. see promyelocyte * * * pre·my·elo·cyte (pre miґə lo sīt″) promyelocyte … Medical dictionary
Myeloblast — Code TH H2. The myeloblast is a unipotent stem cell, which will differentiate into one of the actors of the Granulocyte series … Wikipedia
progranulocyte — SYN: promyelocyte. * * * pro·gran·u·lo·cyte ( )prō gran yə lō .sīt n PROMYELOCYTE * * * pro·gran·u·lo·cyte (pro granґu lo sīt″) promyelocyte … Medical dictionary
Myelopoiesis — is the regulated formation of myeloid cells, including eosinophilic granulocytes, basophilic granulocytes, neutrophilic granulocytes, and monocytes. In hematology, myelopoiesis is the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. The myeloid… … Wikipedia